Friday, 20 September 2013

Friday, 2 August 2013

Is the Torbay 11+ going to change?

There has been speculation on local websites that the format of the Torbay 11+ might change. 
The three local grammar schools have all published the format of the 2013 tests on their websites and these are essentially the same as previous years. So, if the schools are minded to change the format the earliest that they are likely to do so would be for the 2014 tests. According to the national admissions code where changes are proposed, the admissions authority must publicly consult on those arrangements; and where no changes are proposed, there still must be a consultation every seven years. The consultation must be for eight weeks and must take place between 1 November and 1 March. Admission arrangements must then be determined by 15 April. So this is a date to watch out for in future years.

How might the tests change?

Well, the Torbay schools could copy Plymouth where they have dropped Verbal Reasoning and now only test in English and Maths. This would be a cost effective solution for the Torbay schools as they already write their own English and Maths papers in house. A feature of this format is that children are only tested on subjects that they have learnt in school which helps those children who are not coached by parents and tutors. Further more if children are coached it will be to improve their Maths and English which must be a good thing in itself.

Alternatively they could look to other parts of the country where Durham University's CEM assessment scheme has been introduced. Typically the test covers Verbal Reasoning (English including comprehension, synonyms, antonyms and cloze passages); Numerical Reasoning (Maths), and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Such tests are full of techniques that children will not have encountered at school and will require considerable coaching by parents and tutors. 

Whether the tests will change and if so, how, only the schools themselves know. However, please rest assured that whatever happens, we will be ready to respond, so that we can continue to help your child to succeed.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Bright Children Being Failed By Non-Selective Schools

It has been reported in the media over the last few days that thousands of bright children are being "systematically failed" by England's non-selective secondary schools.  Education inspectors have found that:
  • 62% of pupils (at non-selective secondary schools) who got Level 5 in their English Sats did not get an A* or A grade in this subject at GCSE in 2012
  • 25% of pupils who got Level 5 in their English Sats failed to get at least a B
  • 53% of students who got Level 5 in their maths Sats did not gain an A* or A grade in this subject at GCSE
  • 22% of pupils who got Level 5 in maths in their Sats failed to get at least a B
In 40% of the schools visited, the brightest students were not making the progress they were capable of, and many had become "used" to performing at lower levels, with parents and teachers accepting this "too readily", Ofsted said.

What an endorsement for selective education. I am so pleased that Torbay still has its selective Grammar Schools. Long may they continue.

Kate Marke

Friday, 7 June 2013

Torquay Grammar Schools 11+ Familiarisation Days

Torquay Boys' Grammar School and Torquay Girls' Grammar School have announced two 11+ familiarisation Saturdays on 22nd and 29th June 2013. We recommend that children intending to sit the 11+ should attend. To book a place ring the school.

We have children booked into our mock 11+ exams on both those days and so we will now repeat those exams on 6th and 13th July. Children are very welcome to switch dates if they are going to attend the school's familiarisation days.

Kate Marke

TorbayTutors   realising potential

Saturday, 9 March 2013

11+ Mock Exams

The first 11+ mock exams of 2013 are on Saturday 16th March and Saturday 23rd March. To find out more visit Torbay Tutors 11+ mock exams website page.
Torquay Boys Grammar School has changed its admissions procedures for 2014 entry (that is for boys taking the 11+ in September 2013).

Boys will now be ranked according to their combined scores in all three subjects tested.

Previously preference was given to boys that achieved 50% in Maths and English who were then ranked by reference to scores in Verbal Reasoning.

Friday, 1 March 2013